The perfect gift for any cigar aficionado.
Get those cigars off the table, tailgate, or other balanced placement and into a Cigar Coaster!
- Comes apart for easy storage
- Two great sizes to pick from (One for home and one for On-The-Go smokers)
- Two wood types - Cherry or Maple
- Personalized Design option with a name*
- Two resting placements on each Cigar Coaster so you can set your cigar down at any point from light to snuff
Portable Coaster - 2"W x 3"H
(Sits approx 2"h when assembled)
Home Coaster - 2.5"W x 3.5"H
(Sits approx 2.5"h when assembled)
*If you want the personalized option please leave a comment after checkout with spelling of name.
If you want a fully customized design please send us an email and we would be happy to make it happen. Extra design costs would be applied.